AromaLoc notched two prestigious awards this fall at two of Europe’s biggest wine industry gatherings — VINITECH, held in Bordeaux, France, and SIMEI, in Milan, Italy.

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AromaLoc is presented by JUCLAS at the November, 2023 SITEVI Exhibition in Montpellier, France

breaking news

The Sitevi international wine exhibition has closed. 

This year’s show, held from November 23 to 30 in Monpellier, France, attracted over 51,000 visitors and almost 1,000 exhibitors representing a wide range of wine, fruit, and olive-growing related businesses.

One of the over 120 international exhibitors, AromaLoc’s global partner, Verona, Italy-based JUCLAS, was front and centre in Montpellier, where AromaLoc’s world-leading technology was formally introduced to French winemakers and researchers.

Both JUCLAS and AromaLoc are pleased to announce that Gemstab, specialists in membrane-based technologies for the wine industry, is now an AromaLoc distributor in France.


We are honoured and delighted to have been selected as a Wine Industry Network WINnovation Award-winner this year. We proudly accepted the award during the annual North Coast Wine Expo in Sonoma, California on December 2, where AromaLoc hosted a panel featuring outstanding winemakers Ana Diogo-Draper of Artesa Winery, and Jason Centanni and Cassiopeia Roberson-Mull of Llano Estacado Winery, who are using our patented technology to make their excellent wines even better!                                                     

why use aromaloc? llano estacado's jason centanni speaks out

Llano Estacado is the largest — and one of the oldest — wineries in Texas. Head Winemaker Jason Centanni is entering his 3rd season as an avid AromaLoc customer. He explains why in this brief video.


Most people recognize that aromas are important in winemaking. What is perhaps not so well appreciated is the impact they may have on the overall tasting experience. Complexity and mouthfeel are recognized by winemakers as an important sensory characteristic, hugely impacting perceived wine quality — but what are they?

Complexity is simply the sense that different things are going on each time a wine is sipped — for example, some say a complex wine has several different layers of aroma. 

The term “mouthfeel” is not universally used among wine professionals, or as a characteristic for judging and scoring wines in competitions. Terms such as “astringency,” “body,” and “texture” are sometimes used instead. Elements often include smell, smell and taste combined, balance, persistence, and complexity.

The key to all this? Aromas, which weigh heavily in expressing enhanced complexity, and may be involved in the sensation of mouthfeel as well.

Simply put, aromas can make or break a wine. Their presence — or absence — can spell the difference between a good wine and an exceptional  product.

The problem is, if the winemaker can smell aromas outside the fermenter, those aromas have forever left the developing wine, and there is nothing on the market that can bring them back.  


AromaLoc has invented and patented a method to solve this challenge. The AromaLoc system is a totally additive-free, hands-off process that prevents aromas from leaving the wine — no tampering or interfering with the fermentation process. Intervention only occurs with the headspace composition above the juice — this produces desirable changes in the fermenting liquid below.   

Think your wine is good now? AromaLoc will make it better! 



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The following video shows how simple the AromaLoc system is — and how easy it is to install. For tips on leak detection, visit our Products page.

I tell other winemakers it’s simple: use AromaLoc and the right yeast and be prepared for award-winning wines. 
       — Mark Hopley, Winemaker, Hester Creek Estate Winery
We tried the wines at the end of fermentation, and were very surprised at how big the differences were. The wines with the AromaLoc machines were much more complex and rich. We’re very excited to see how the wines will develop over the next few weeks.
         — Simon Weibrecht, Winemaker, Weibrecht Winery, Brezfeld, Germany
After I experienced the results, I said, ‘Wow! This is a game-changer! This is going to revolutionize what we can do as winemakers!
        — Steve Latchford, former Winemaker, Second Chance Wine Co., Okanagan Valley